Most of our operations are located in the rural areas of South Africa, which by and large, still remain underdeveloped.  As a state-owned company we are required to run a commercially viable business whilst also delivering on the developmental agenda of government. Consequently, we support about 20 000 lives through job creation, small business support interventions and through other social upliftment programmes such as the construction of schools, clinics, early childhood development centres and many others.

We have developed long-lasting relationships with communities surrounding our operations through social compacts signed by ourselves and various community representatives. Our partnerships with the communities ensure that we work together in prioritising and addressing their basic needs to alleviate poverty, improve living conditions and develop their skills.



SAFCOL has invested in social infrastructural projects in the Mpumalanga (MP), Limpopo (LP) and Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) provinces respectively. 99% of all social infrastructure projects are timber framed structures.

The group continues to promote timber framed structures as an alternate to conventional brick and mortar structures. Over the past few years, the following structures were constructed:


  • Beketelani Primary Classrooms (Mpumalanga-MP);
  • Bhekimfundo Primary (MP)
  •  Ekucathuzeni  Primary (MP): construction of dining hall;
  • Khuphukani Early Childhood Development Centre(ECD)(MP);
  • Sinethemba ECD centre (MP);
  • Davidale ECD centre (MP);
  • Ratshitanga Primary- construction of administration block (Limpopo(LP));
  • Muledani Life Care Centre  (LP);
  • Leroro Disability Centre (MP);
  • Thembisa Stimulation  Centre (MP);
  • Mantjolo Arts & Crafts Market (MP).
  • Palm Ridge Multipurpose Hall (KZN)
  • Vriesland Kitchen (MP)
  • Oncweleni Community Hall (LP)


Although the Company is promoting timber framed structures, to date a few conventional brick and mortar structures were constructed as part of SAFCOL’s infrastructure development drive which include:


  • Khayelihle Early Childhood Development Centre Store-room (MP)
  • Muzomuhle Multi-purpose Centre (MP)
  • Radzilani Community Hall  (LP)
  • Tshitavhadulu Community Hall (LP)



Let’s Keep Her in School

It is a norm that teenage girls especially in very poor communities stay away from school and other activities when they menstruate because they do not have access to proper sanitation and feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. Some may think that it’s not a big deal and why would one stay away from school for such a minor thing? Dignity is so important to everyone hence the dignity drive campaign was initiated to reclaim and maintain the dignity of women.

Statistics show that there are over 2.1 million young girls living below the poverty line in South Africa, girls who cannot afford sanitary products leading them to miss five days of school a month, amounting to 60 missed in total, of the school year.


 “Most of our parents are unemployed and rely on government grants to support us, buying sanitary towels is a luxury. We are grateful to SAFCOL, now we will no longer miss school and we will no longer have accidents which always led to boys laughing at us”; these were the words of Methula Khethiwe, a Grade 12 learner from Enkhanini High School.


In 2014 SAFCOL launched its very first Teenage Health Programme. Since its inception, the following schools benefited from this drive:


  • Nordene Primary School
  • Ekhanini High School
  • Letaba Combined School
  • Memezile High School
  • Sihlengeni Combined School
  • Johannes Mulambilu High School


The dignity packs includes : Sanitary towels; discreet wipes; washing cloth; body lotions; deodorants;  soap; roll on; toothbrush and  toothpaste. The girls are issued with hygiene products to empower them to maintain basic feminine hygiene.


The objectives of the campaign are to:


  • Raise standards of sanitary dignity
  • Promote gender equality
  • Enable girls to attend school every day of the month
  • To help build a positive self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Provide holistic relationship based women’s health education
  • To develop positive, creative strategies to improve the social and economic status of women and girls
  • Provide a unique solution to a problem that is commonly known
  • Offer real benefits that improve a girl child’s quality of life.


Every girl in South Africa deserves access to safe and hygienic sanitary products, Dignity Drive looks at what human rights mean in the context of everyday life, how they affect real people and why they are so important. We are proud to make a difference in young women’s lives.

The small things one takes for granted can make a big difference in another person’s life.

The establishment of small businesses plays an important role in the economic and social development of people living in rural communities. Small and micro businesses are an important force in generating employment, income distribution, healthy competition, niche markets and enhancing and supporting productivity.


Access to Markets

Suppliers on our Supplier Development Programme may qualify for set aside procurement, specifically for developmental purposes. The service is restricted to land claimants and local communities within the footprint area of SAFCOL’s operations. Extended services are available for SE’s supported within the Enterprise Development Programme.


Facilitation of access to finance

Contract funding and arrangements for suppliers on SAFCOL’s Supplier Development Programme qualify for loans. SAFCOL currently does not offer wholesale/retail in-house project funding. External funding can be prearranged with project partners and funding stakeholders. Grants for business start-ups and growth initiatives may be considered.


Non-Financial Support

SEs receive a package of services ranging from technical mentorship, financial management and basic business support. The support is mainly internal, whilst external services may be considered for certain projects.



Flagship Projects
Furniture manufacturing

Furniture manufacturing has been identified as a key initiative to achieve the organisations’ strategic objectives with regards to vertical integration. The furniture industry in South Africa consists of manufacturers that make a wide range of furniture using low technology and highly skilled craftsmen at one end of the spectrum and mechanised, computer controlled processes producing high volumes at the other.

The furniture manufacturing initiative supported by SAFCOL started off with the manufacturing of a 1000 school desks at Timbadola Sawmill which were donated to schools in need within our footprint area.

A service provider was appointed to provide on the job training which included coaching and mentoring to the 20 skilled youth for the duration that they manufactured the 1000 school desks/benches and book shelves. The trainees were also coached on how to construct jigs and templates and work benches to ease the production of the 1000 wooden desks/benches and book shelves.

The trainees were then divided into 2 equal groups forming a complete production line for a wooden desk/bench and book shelf. The trainees also learned how to safely operate, setup and maintain different woodworking hand tools, power tools and machinery.

At the end of 2015/2016 financial year, a total of 2100 units have been dispatched to more than fifteen (15) schools in KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape and Limpopo.

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